
Our Company

CMSMasters Studio is a team of professionals. Every member of our team has spent many hours polishing professional skills and earning a unique experience in the spheres of website design,  wordpress development, technical support etc. We enjoy  the process of creating a theme from its start to its end - from a sparkling design idea, all the way through coding, programming, testing, to the very release, and then still on and on, providing our customers with superior support and guidance.

We don’t just produce wordpress themes. We give life to whole microcosms, where beautiful designs are powered by immense functionality. We consider our work to be successfully done not when the next product is released for sale, but when our customers share their great user experience and showcase the beautiful websites they have managed to create with our themes. We consider our work to be successfully done not when the next product is released for sale, but when our customers share their great user experience and showcase the beautiful websites they have managed to create with our themes.


Our Team

Jack Simmons


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Karen Dawson

Family Lawyer

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Michael Linden


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Helga Stevens

Civil lawyer

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Some Statistics


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Especialistas en Derecho de Sucesiones

Especialistas en Derecho de Sucesiones

by josemcuerva  Comments (0)
Este despacho profesional cree firmemente en la dedicación y el estudio como pilares de nuestro trabajo. Consideramos que profundizar en una materia determinada dota al jurista de unos conocimientos más sólidos que le permitirán lograr...


by josemcuerva  Comments (0)
Abogados C&L somos un grupo de profesionales (abogados, mediadores y asesores) de origen español y chino con una amplia experiencia en el sector del derecho y de la importación y exportación. Hemos decidido unirnos para así poder...


  • Consiguieron que reparasen mi automóvil y que me indemnizasen por los daños sufridos y el tiempo que estuve de baja.

    Santa Cruz de Tenerife

  • Quería importar cable y luces LED desde China pero no sabía por dónde empezar. C&L Abogados y Asesores me asesoraron y se encargaron de todo consiguiendo para mi negocio los mejores proveedores.

    Güimar, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

  • Recibí 47.736,85€ por los daños sufridos en cuello, espalda y pierna al ser derribada mi moto por un coche.

    Santa Cruz de Tenerife

  • Me rompí una pierna tras caerme un Mercado debido a que el suelo estaba mojado y no estaba señalizado. No sabía qué hacer ni a quién reclamar. C&L Abogados y asociados consiguieron que se me indemnizase con 54.113,79 €.

    San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife


color-blocks-1Responsive & Retina

A 100% Responsive, with Retina ready, WordPress theme is guaranteed to have a great appearance on large desktop screens, as well as on mobile devices screens. Despite the screen resolution, all the elements on the web page look neat and clean, convenient to use too.

color-blocks-2Easy Form Setup

A powerful Form Builder Tool, customly developed by CMSMasters, lets you create an unlimited amount of forms of different types and complexity, from simple contact forms to complex questionnaires with numerous fields, radio-buttons, checkboxes and dropdowns, text areas, as well as set validation for these fields.

color-blocks-3Extended Shortcodes Pack

Cmsmasters' custom WordPress theme admin panel includes a Super Extended Shortcodes pack for sophisticated content formatting and improved presentation. The widest collection of useful widgets allow you to improve your website’s interaction with visitors, bringing its functionality to a new level.

color-blocks-5WYSIWYG Customization

You can drag’n’drop content parts across through the website page with a handy WYSIWYG Content Composer, as well as easily edit their appearance, insert featured blocks, sliders, tables, various media etc. with one click. Create your custom pre-saved layout templates to use them over and over again. It is intuitive to use even for an amateur.